Federate metrics from YugabyteDB Anywhere

Scrape metrics from the YugabyteDB Anywhere Prometheus server

To federate metrics from YugabyteDB Anywhere, configure your destination Prometheus server to scrape from the /federate endpoint of a YugabyteDB Anywhere source server, while also enabling the honor_labels scrape option (to not overwrite any labels exposed by the source server) and passing in the desired match[] parameters.

For example, to scrape all metrics from YugabyteDB Anywhere, the following scrape_configs federates any series with the label job="yugabyte or platform or node" or a metric name starting with yugabyte/node/platform from the YugabyteDB Anywhere Prometheus servers into the scraping Prometheus:

# federate endpoint configuration
  - job_name: 'federate'
    scrape_interval: 15s
    # honor the labels from YugabyteDB Anywhere's prometheus server if there's a label conflict
    honor_labels: true
    metrics_path: '/federate'
        # grab all node_exporter and platform metrics from two YugabyteDB Anywhere nodes
        - '{job="node"}'
        - '{job="platform"}'
        - '{job="yugabyte"}'
        # Use this match to grab ALL jobs instead of the ones above
        # - '{job=".+"}'
      - targets:
        - 'xxx-yugaware.gcp:9090'
        - 'xxx-yugaware2.gcp:9090'

After this is configured, it would be possible to make API calls against this separate Prometheus server that would return metrics for both of the YugabyteDB Anywhere nodes in the configuration.