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This command fetches the latest N entries in the time series that is specified by the given key. The elements are returned in ascending order of timestamps.

  • If the given key is associated with non-time series data, an error is raised.
  • If the given N is not a positive 32 bit integer, an error is raised.

Return value

Returns a list of timestamp, value pairs for the latest N entries in the time series.


You can do this as shown below.

$ TSADD ts_key 10 v1 20 v2 30 v3 40 v4 50 v5
$ TSLASTN ts_key 2
1) "40"
2) "v4"
3) "50"
4) "v5"
$ TSLASTN ts_key 3
1) "30"
2) "v3"
3) "40"
4) "v4"
5) "50"
6) "v5"
$ TSLASTN ts_key 9999999999
(error) ERR tslastn: limit field 9999999999 is not within valid bounds
$ TSLASTN ts_key 0
(error) ERR tslastn: limit field 0 is not within valid bounds
$ TSLASTN ts_key -1
(error) ERR tslastn: limit field -1 is not within valid bounds

See also

tsadd, tsget, tsrem, tsrangebytime, tsrangebytime, tscard